Forms will be available to be submitted through conference organizers for attendance of the live-streamed sessions for General and Nursing CEUs. More details and forms on how to apply for these will be posted on the Virtual Conference website and available to those who register for the conference:
The 2021 virtual MRASH course was approved for ?? hours/?.?? CEUs.
The University of Iowa College of Nursing is IBON provider number #1. With full time attendance, ?.0 contact hours will awarded each day.
Other certifications can request continuing education credits through their own credentialing organization. For example:
Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES):
This program qualifies for Category II Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH). Up to 30 of the 75 CHEC required every five years can be Category II hours. For more details and application instructions, consult the webpage for Continuing Education Requirements for CHES.
Industrial Hygiene:
Industrial Hygiene Certification Maintenance (CM) points are available. For more details on the various CM categories and how to apply, see the website of the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
Social Work:
On October 5, 2005, the Iowa Board of Social Work Examiners changed the rules of social work CEUs. The Board no longer approves continuing education sponsors, and now directs its licenses to review the continuing education criteria established in the rules. Social work CEUs will be offered, but it is up to the participant to determine if this program is deemed appropriate for your profession. If you have questions, please contact the Iowa Board of Social Work Examiners.