Aaron Yoder Poster

AgSafety4U 2.0 – An online training program

Aaron Yoder, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, CS-CASH


Aaron Yoder is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and works with projects through the NIOSH funded Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health.

Discuss this poster with the authors on Wednesday, November 10 from noon – 12:30 on the Zoom Live-stream.


Our goal for this project is to build upon the activities and accomplishments of the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) project, as well as identify and address curricula and outreach gaps.

The AgSafety4U 2.0 online training program was built on the foundation of the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program and the original AgSafety4U online training. The new version of this course has added interactive elements that enhance the experience of taking the course.

This presentation will provide an overview of the AgSafety4U 2.0 online training program and explain the potential uses and audiences of the program. More information on the course can be found at: https://proxy.qualtrics.com/proxy/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fag-safety.extension.org%2Fagsafety4u-certificate-course%2F&token=iggohQrOnLFFhyrBoWbnRJB%2FqGsYFCB5QXUUfmiCdGg%3D     In addition to finding out the current status of this training, the funding mechanism and resources presented in this session will provide additional resources that researchers and educators can utilize in the future.
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