Development and Evaluation of a Motion Graphic Emphasizing ATV Safety Engineering Controls
Carolyn Sheridan, RN, BSN, President and Founder, Ag Health and Safety Alliance; Jenna Gibbs, MPH, PhD, Director of Operations; David Sullivan, Adv, Dip FBM, Director of Programs
Carolyn Sheridan received her BSN at the University of Iowa and her RN from Iowa Lakes Community College. She has spent more than 25 years developing and delivering agricultural occupational health programs globally. After more than a decade working for non-profits, she is well versed in educational program delivery and evaluation.
Learning objectives:
1. Participants will understand how motion graphic are used to engage educational audiences on agricultural safety topics.
2. Participants will understand the full process of motion graphic development for outreach purposes.
3. Participants will list 4-6 emerging ATV safety design features (engineering controls).
The development of effective ATV safety training materials is important since the number of occupational injuries related to agricultural ATV use continues to rise, particularly among young adults. Survey results from >800 Midwestern students in our Gear Up for Ag™ Program show that more than half (56%) have rolled an ATV, yet only 18% report wearing helmets when operating the device. Past ATV safety training resources have primarily highlighted administrative controls and use of personal protective equipment, rather than emphasizing engineering controls such as manufacturer or custom-built safety design features. In 2020, we developed a 2-minute motion graphic to highlight ATV safety engineering controls such as crush protection, roll bars, alert systems, wider frames, use of OEM accessories, and other safety design features. In this presentation, we will show the graphic and use it as an example to describe the design process. The design involved several steps and collaboration among educators, scientific reviewers, the graphic design team, and a voice actor. During fall programs, we will examine student’s changes in knowledge and beliefs, regarding these emerging ATV safety features, after the training. Preliminary evaluation results survey responses, qualitative notes taken during classroom discussion, and feedback from instructors will be shared.
Carolyn Sheridan’s presentation is at the beginning of the video. |