Linda Emanuel Presentation

Creative Solutions to Protect the Needs of the Veteran Farmer

Linda Emanuel, RN, AgriSafe Network; Alyssa Damke, B.S. Microbiology, MPH candidate-Environmental Agriculture Occupational Health (EAOH) concentration

Linda Emanuel R.N., is the Community Health nurse with AgriSafe Network as well as a co-proprietor of her three generational Nebraska family farm. She engages with the diverse agriculture community as a health care advocate and educator. Her passion as an agriculture producer and nurse provider enables her to act as a liaison between research and practice and therefore drives her work to address the everchanging needs of this population.

Learning objective:
Participants will be able to identify 3 best practices to adequately serve the specific health care needs of Veteran Farmers.


Discuss this presentation with the authors on Wednesday, November 18 from noon – 12:30 on the Zoom Live-stream.


In America, significant health disparities exist among rural populations compared to their urban counterparts. By extension, agricultural producers are especially subject to these disparities based on the dangerous and unpredictable nature of their work. Agricultural producers who are also veterans experience additional health pressures that are often overlooked in the healthcare setting. Over 2.1 million Veteran VHA patients reside in rural areas and the health care infrastructure to care for these veterans often does not include an agricultural occupational approach.
Qualitative interviews with rural health professionals were conducted to; 1) gain a better understanding of the gaps in health care professional competency when caring for veteran farmers and 2) identify best practices to serve specific health care needs of Veteran Farmers. Interview results were analyzed to develop the first Agriculture Health Risk Assessment (AgHRA) e- tool designed for veteran farmers. Join AgriSafe during this participatory session as we explore methods to improve the Veteran AgHRA e-tool. Together we aim to discover creative solutions that protect the veteran from illness and injury while farming.

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