Will Fett Presentation

Don’t Forget the Ag in Ag Safety Days!  

Will Fett, Executive Director, Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation


Will Fett has been leading Agriculture in the Classroom efforts in Iowa for the past six years. He is a former teacher and holds an M.S. in Agricultural Economics and an MBA. He also serves on the leadership team for the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization.

Learning objective:
Participants will be able to identify key components of an effective Ag Safety Day for kids.
Participants will be able to give examples of how agriculture and safety topics can be taught jointly.

Discuss this presentation with the authors on Thursday, November 19 from noon – 12:30 on the Zoom Live-stream.


This session will be based on a guide book that we developed. The guidebook can be provided to session attendees in digital format in the link below.

Click on Thumbnail to view:
