8:30 – 11:00 am

Zoom Webinar |
Welcome: Ellen Duysen, Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health
Frontlines Panel: Ag Safety & Health Risks and Remedies – Veterans
- Moderator: Shay Foulk, Farmer, Veteran, Podcaster and Consultant
- Cindy Chastain, Veteran Outreach Coordinator, AgrAbility
- Linda Emanuel, R.N. AgriSafe Network, Ag. Producer
- Cindy Stockamp, Current Reservist with 46th Civil Affairs out of Tulsa, farmer and veteran
- Carolyn Turvey, PhD, Clinical Director, Iowa City VA Health Care System
Roundtable A: Recovery in Rural Iowa: How to Support your Neighbor.
- Jason Haglund, MS, CADC, Specialty Coordinator Ag, Rural Mental Health & Addiction, COVID Recovery Iowa
- Danielle Day, Human Sciences Specialist, Family Life, Iowa State University Extension & Outreach
- Demi Johnson, MA, Behavioral Health Program Specialist, Iowa State University Extension & Outreach.
Roundtable B: Collaborative Extension Efforts to Deliver Farm Stress Programs in the North Central Region.
- David N. Brown, PhD, LMFT, CFLE Iowa State University
- Josie Rudophi, PhD, University of Illinois;
- Courtney Cuthbertson, PhD, University of Illinois;
- Tammy Jacobs, Iowa State University;
- Karen Funkenbusch, MA, BSE, University of Missouri
- Athena Ramos, PhD, MBA, M.S., CPM, University of Nebraska Medical Center
11:00 am–12:30 pm

Zoom Meetings |
- Natural Disaster Stress and Recovery in Rural and Agricultural Settings. Kristin Gaffney, BA, graduate student, UNMC College of Public Health
- Characteristics of suicide among crop and animal producers: Results from the CDC NVDRS, 2003-2017. Josie Rudophi, PhD, University of Illinois & Cristina Miller, PhD, Rural Development Innovation Center, Data Analytics Division, United States Department of Agriculture
- Association between pain and mental health conditions among Latino immigrant cattle feedyard workers. Maria Jose Sanchez, MD, MPH. University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Assessment of the Effects of Different Timescales of Drought on Suicide in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Region 7 from 2000 to 2018. Azar M. Abadi, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Organizational Resources and Social Support Influences on Stress and Depression: A Comparison among Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Farmers. Yanni Liang, graduate fellow, Heartland Center, University of Iowa College of Public Health
- Development of Occupational Safety Indicators for Wineries in Selected States. Jaime Thissen, MInstP, MEIT, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign