Protecting Livestock Workers: Exploring Data on Fatal and Non-fatal Injuries in Agriculture
Suraj Adhikari, MS, Ph.D. Student; College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Suraj Adhikari is a grad student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He is currently involved in research on Promoting the Health and Safety of Agriculture Workers, more precisely on Cattle Feed Yard worker’s health. Dr. Aaron Yoder is his principal advisor.
Learning objective:
Identify the burden of work-related injuries in agriculture, the animal production sector, and the cattle feeding subsector at a national, regional, and state level for the states within the “central states” region consisting of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Agriculture and animal production, in particular, can be dangerous. We present state, regional, and national counts and rates on fatal and non-fatal injuries in agriculture and animal production using publicly available data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. We found a high number of fatal injuries in animal production. We also found a higher rate of non-fatal injuries in animal production than that found on average in agriculture. More needs to be done to protect livestock workers from injury. Extension professionals can play a key role in increasing safety knowledge and changing behaviors.
Keywords: cattle feedlot, injuries, occupational health, safety, agriculture
Suraj Adhikari’s presentation begins at timestamp 39:18 |