Karen Funkenbusch Poster-AgrAbility

Missouri and Pennsylvania AgrAbility Assist Diverse Farm & Ranch Populations to Promote Self-Employment Opportunities in Agriculture  

Karen E. Funkenbusch, Director/PI, Missouri AgrAbility Project, University of Missouri;  Nahshon Bishop, Co-PI, Missouri AgrAbility Project, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension; Kayla M. Funkenbusch, Graduate Student, Saint Louis University College for Public Health and Social Justice; and Linda Fetzer, Co-PI/Project Manager, PA AgrAbility, Pennsylvania State University


Karen Funkenbusch is the state Director for the Missouri AgrAbility Project and Agricultural Safety and Health Instructor, Agricultural Systems Management Program in the College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources at the University of Missouri.

Learning objective:
1. Participants will able to give two safety examples and three self-employment approaches that can be adapted for diverse populations.
2. Participants will be able to communicate how AgrAbility projects in Missouri and Pennsylvania collaborate to provide agriculture safety and health programs for diverse populations.
3. Participants will be able to demonstrate how to adapt programming safety and health messages and teaching tools for diverse populations.

Click here to open the full poster or below to read the abstract


Agriculture-related occupations present a unique situation for diverse AgrAbility customers such an Anabaptist, beginning farmers, non-traditional minorities, veterans, and women in agriculture. There are only a few occupations which offer individuals the opportunity to live, work, and play on the same piece of land. AgrAbility customers face many self-employment challenges after a recently acquired disability, chronic health condition or disorder.

Due to similar diverse populations, Missouri and Pennsylvania AgrAbility and Ag Safety and Health programs collaboratively share and produce culturally appropriate for the Anabaptist community related to health, safety and wellness resources to meet the individualized needs of their agricultural operations. These specialized and tailored resources are critical for self-employment in production agriculture if the intended outcome is to assist farmers and ranchers with disabilities remain healthy and prevent secondary injuries.

AgrAbility is a program designed to assist farmers, ranchers and other agricultural workers with disabilities or health conditions by providing resources and support they need to live independently and to continue working in or return to production agriculture. Materials which are culturally appropriate and content suitable for Ag Safety and Health Community of Practice through eXtension, https://proxy.qualtrics.com/proxy/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fag-safety.extension.org%2F&token=dXLY4l9n3yxGw3TAwS3ZUGBIdcMudpw42p1nM2wRmcE%3D, will be posted.

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