Abstract submission for presentations and posters related to rural and agricultural health and safety research, surveillance, education, outreach, and intervention has been extended through midnight, Wednesday, May 4, 2016.
Abstracts should be submitted in English on the abstract form below. The abstract should be a short summary of a research, surveillance, education, outreach or intervention project. Abstracts can be submitted either via email to MRASH-abstracts(at)uiowa(dot)edu or online. See below for more detailed instructions. Questions? contact Gayle Olson.
Presentation Formats
- Oral Presentation – not to exceed 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions and answers.
- Round Table Presentation – 3-5 presenters around a theme or topic, 30 minutes presentation time and 30 minute interaction with attendees for a total time of 1 hour. Abstract must include a summary of the overall topic, the list of presenters and short description of each of their presentations.
- Poster – to fit on a 36″ x 48″ display board
“Safeguarding Farm Livelihoods” can cover a broad spectrum of topics in agricultural safety and health, especially related to risk management, stewardship of environmental and human health, and engineered solutions. In addition, research and evaluation of Research to Practice (r2p) activities are always appreciated. Vulnerable populations such as Aging of the Agricultural Workforce, Immigrant Workers and Beginning Farmers are also important topics. While these themes are areas of emphasis, any topic clearly connected to agricultural safety and health issues will be considered.
- Call for abstracts open: March 1, 2016
- Call for abstracts close at midnight: May 4, 2016
- Authors notified on accepted submissions: June 1, 2016
- Early Bird registration deadline for presenters: August 1, 2016
- MRASH Conference: November 15-16, 2016
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts can be submitted either via email as a Word document or online via the electronic form linked below. Click on the appropriate link at the bottom of this page for more detailed instructions.
- The person listed as submitting the abstract will receive an acknowledgement of receipt via email.
- Further communication will be with the submitting author only unless otherwise directed.
- Please indicate which format you wish your abstract to be considered and notice any special instructions for each format. It will be the discretion of the selection committee to select the abstracts to be presented in each of the format. In some cases, the presenter may be asked to switch to a different format. It will be the presenter’s prerogative whether or not to make such a switch.
- Please limit the actual abstract summary to 200 words.
- Poster abstracts may be accepted after the May 2 deadline, pending availability of space.
- Please note that information given on the abstract submission will be used to create the conference program. Please notify Gayle Olson of any changes or corrections to be made
Learning Objectives
Learning objectives must be included in the abstract. A good learning objective will describe what the session participants will be able to know or do following the session and should be measurable.
For Example:
- Participants will be able to list 3 characteristics of effective safety communication.
- Participants will be able to give examples that define the phrase “secondary prevention.”
- Participants will be able to demonstrate correctly inserting ear plugs to protect hearing.
Acceptance Notification and Requirements
- Following the review of abstracts, authors will be notified via email of their presentation, roundtable or poster acceptance no later than June 1, 2016.
- Each accepted abstract must have at least one author registered by the early bird registration closing date August 1, 2016.
- The author must register and be at the conference to present the submission either orally or by poster presentation.
Submit your abstract via the Word doc below (which you can fill out, save and email to MRASH-abstracts(at)uiowa(dot)edu, OR fill out and submit the online form.
- Abstract Submission Form (Word)
- Abstract Submission Form (online)