In fall 2017, I-CASH partnered with the Washington County 4-H club to expand their annual project, “Stay Safe, Take a Break.” Statewide, FFA and 4-H groups were invited to take part in this activity, in which teams of students interrupt farmers in the field at harvest time to present them with a bag of safety materials and healthy snacks. The students remind the farmers to take regular breaks during the long harvest days and use best safety practices while in the field.
Twenty Iowa groups distributed nearly 2000 bags of safety materials during the campaign. 
I-CASH sent interested youth groups a safety bag starter kit that included:
- It’s Preventable: double sided rural roadway safety tip card
- You Are Not Alone–Stay Connected: brochure with crisis and mental health resources
- Whole Body Vibration: double sided information card about the health effects of exposure to vibration from farm equipment
- Safe Farm: Harvest Safety: ISU resource with information about general harvest safety
- Hearing Protection: double sided info card about selecting and using hearing protection
- An I-CASH info card
- A band-aid pouch with band-aids and sterile alcohol pads included
- A picture frame magnet reminding farmers and families to check in with each other when working along for long periods of time
- An N95 particulate filtering disposable respirator and information about respirator use in agriculture
- One pair of corded, formable earplugs
Stay Safe, Take a Break Project Description
Iowa Farmer Today: Youth Groups Encourage Farmer Safety