Incidents with livestock are one of the most common causes of traumatic injury in farming. Even farmers who have many years of experience with their livestock can be injured. The summer 2017 campaign focused on encouraging safe practices around livestock, especially in building handling facilities that protect workers, always having an escape route, and remaining alert even around animals that are well-known to the handler.
Posters were sent to all ISU Extension and Outreach and Farm Service Agency offices. Thanks to Dr. Eric Smith, a large animal vet in Vinton, IA for providing quotes and guidance for this campaign.
Printable Posters (11×17):
Related Safety Watch Article:
Broadcaster Shares Run-In with Steer that Broke Her Hand, Stephanie Leonard, Iowa Farmer Today, March 2019
Additional Resources:
Safe Handling of Large Animals from Dr. Temple Grandin
Livestock Handling Tips from Show Me Farm Safety