I-CASH staff are available to provide seminars and workshops to diverse rural audiences on a variety of agricultural safety and health topics. Contact I-CASH director Rich Gassman at richard-gassman@uiowa.edu or (319) 467-0327 with questions or requests.
Recent past sessions have included:
Grain Equipment Safety: Walk-through presentation outlining best practices when working with grain equipment including carts, gravity wagons, and augers. Includes discussion of the use of grain rescue tubes and the needs of rural emergency response teams.
Ideal for: farm field days, community learning events.
Household Chemical Storage and Safety: Interactive discussion geared toward family and household chemical use. Includes demonstration of proper chemical-resistant glove use and interpreting chemical labels.
Ideal for: community safety fair, health fair, farm safety day
Workshop for Agricultural Media: Two-day interactive workshop for journalists, farmers, and safety professionals. Based on guidelines developed by the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, this workshop is a story generating event for journalists that helps them improve their skills in reporting agricultural injuries and fatalities. See more information about the last statewide workshop here.
Protecting Farm Youth: Presentation outlining injury rates among youth on U.S. farms, appropriate agricultural tasks for children, and constructing safe play areas for youth who live on or visit farms.
Ideal for: Growers’ banquet or event, community safety fair
Safety Policies and Procedures on the Farm: Presentation overview of agricultural hazards and best practices for hazard identification and mitigation. Includes discussion of developing safety policies and procedures, tools to identify hazards and strategies for mitigation, creating a culture of safety on your farm.
Ideal for: farm management workshops, agricultural conferences and meetings.