by Ashlee Johannes, I-CASH Program Assistant
This summer I-CASH will be featured as part of the University of Iowa Mobile Museum. The museum, which will be visiting communities throughout Iowa, offers a variety of exhibits, including a large interactive digital display. The I-CASH digital display will provide information about the Center, and highlight the Youth Grant Program to a statewide audience.
I-CASH youth grants are provided to organizations such as FFA and 4-H groups to help fund community driven outreach programs. Using youth grant projects as examples, this display will educate the general public on current issues in agricultural safety and health, and will promote community level interventions. Five main topic areas will be addressed including livestock, ATV use, tractors, fatigue, and hearing protection. Visit for more information, including the dates and locations for the museum. (Photos courtesy of Cara Hamann)
Farm Families Alive & Well: News from Iowa’s Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (I-CASH)
June 2015