Primary Presenter: Stephanie Leonard MS, Director, Iowa FACE Program,The University of Iowa
Additional Authors: Renee Anthony, PhD, The University of Iowa; Kathy Leinenkugel, MPA, Iowa Department of Public Health; Stuart Schmitz MS, Iowa Department of Public Health; John Kraemer PA, Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to: – discuss atmospheric hazards of grain storage structures
– discuss what constitutes a permit-required confined space
– discuss measures to reduce risk of exposure to atmospheric contaminants, falls, and engulfment in grain storage structures
– discuss pre-planning and training needs regarding grain fires
Abstract: The Iowa Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (IOWA FACE) Program at the University of Iowa performs surveillance to identify all fatal occupational injuries occurring in the state. The Iowa FACE Program identifies work situations at high risk for injury and develops prevention messages that can be shared with workers, employers, safety managers, and others to reduce the incidence of fatal injuries. Iowa FACE conducts in-depth investigations to identify the root cause and contributing factors to workplace fatalities.
This session will present details of a recent case investigation of two fatalities that occurred when workers entered a grain storage bin with a smoldering grain fire. Those attending will discuss factors that contributed to these deaths and the prevention strategies regarding confined space entry procedures, training, safety equipment, emergency planning, and preventive maintenance that are relevant to bin entry in general and grain fires in particular. Similar fatal and nonfatal incidents will be described.
A/V needed: LCD Projector/Laptop
Panel discussion, 60 minutes