Primary Presenter: Suzanna Windon, M.S. Graduate Teaching Associate, PhD Student, Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, The Ohio State University.
Additional Authors: Dr. Dee Jepsen, Associate Professor, State Agricultural Safety Leader, Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University.
Learning Objectives: Two research objectives were investigated in this study:
1. Are there differences among farmers with different enrollment status in the Ohio AgrAbility Program in satisfaction with farm work, leisure and quality of life?
2. How does farmers’ enrollment status in the Ohio AgrAbility Program moderate the effect of overall health on farmers’ satisfaction with quality of life?
Abstract: This study examined the discrepancy in satisfaction with farm work, leisure, and quality of life among two groups, Ohio farmers who were enrolled in the Ohio AgrAbility Program (OAP) and experienced any type of disability and farmers who were not enrolled in the OAP; and how farmers’ disabled condition moderates the effect of overall health upon farmers’ satisfaction with quality of life. The exploration design used survey research. A questionnaire was developed and utilized. A health-farm work-leisure-quality of life satisfaction construct was analyzed based on farmer’s enrollment status in the OAP. Farmers’ satisfaction with quality of life positively correlates with leisure, health and farm work. ANOVA test suggested that satisfaction with overall health, farm work and quality of life among farmers without disabilities is significantly greater than satisfaction among far! mers with disabilities. Farmers with disabilities demonstrated lower satisfaction with life domains. MODPROD test suggested that farmers’ enrollment status significantly moderates the effect of farmers’ health on quality of life. Consideration of these differences in farmers’ satisfaction with life domains will enable agricultural safety and health specialists to develop educational programs and organize appropriate training materials to meet farmers’ needs based on farmers’ health status.
Equipment Needs: LCD Projector/Laptop
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