Improving Air Quality in Swine Barns: Results of Intervention Study. Renée Anthony, PhD, CIH, CSP, University of Iowa.
Do they use it? Factors influencing the use of hearing protection among farmers. Marsha Cheyney, MPH, Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, University of Iowa.
U.S. Side-by-Side Crashes: An Emerging Health and Safety Concern. Gerene Denning, PhD, Director of Emergency Medicine Research, University of Iowa.
A Vision for a National Sustainable Certified Safe Farm Intervention Program: A Research to Practice Project. Kelley Donham, PhD, Emeritus, University of Iowa.
The Future of Occupational Health Project: Impacts on Agriculture. Jenna L Gibbs, MPH, PhD. Research Coordinator, Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, University of Iowa.
Recognition and Prevention of Zoonotic Disease. Charlotte Halverson BSN, COHN-S, Occupational Health Nurse, AgriSafe Network.
“You are learning that we don’t have the trust that we should have:” Building rapport with farmers in health and safety research. Brandi Janssen, PhD, University of Iowa.
Pilot Study of an ATV and Side-by-Side Safety Workshop for Iowa Farmers: Final Results. Charles Jennissen, MD, University of Iowa.
Occupational Pesticide Exposure Surveillance in Iowa. Ashlee Johannes, MS Candidate, The University of Iowa.
An Iowa FACE Program Case Study : Carbon monoxide from a smoldering grain fire killed two employees who entered a grain storage bin. Stephanie Leonard MS, Director, Iowa FACE Program, The University of Iowa.
Lessons Learned from a Successful Farm Safety Workshop for Journalists held in Cedar Rapids, IA. Stephanie Leonard MS, Director, Iowa FACE Program, The University of Iowa.
All-Terrain Vehicle Crashes in Iowa: The Where, The Why and The How. Evelyn Qin, Medical Student Summer Research Fellow, Emergency Medicine, University of Iowa.
Health and Safety in Indian Tea Harvesters. Maya Ramaswamy, M. Eng, University of Iowa.
Use of workers compensation claims data for continuous safety improvement in agricultural cooperatives. Mr. Sai K. Ramaswamy, M.S., Iowa State University.
Predictors of Injury in a Farm Vehicle Crash: Modifiable and Non-modifiable Factors. Shabbar I Ranapurwala, PhD, MPH, Injury Prevention Research Center, University of Iowa.
A survey of Wisconsin dairy farmers and their Spanish-speaking workers about occupational health and safety issues. Iris Anne Reyes, MPH, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, National Farm Medicine Center.
Characteristics of Farm Equipment-related Crashes Associated with Injury in Children and Adolescents on Farm Equipment. Kayla Smith, B.S., University of Iowa College of Public Health.
Effectiveness of Prevention Health Services in Farm Families by “Kitchen Wellness”. Rhonda Strebel, MBA, Executive Director, Rural Health Initiative, Inc.
How Farmers’ Enrollment Status in the Ohio AgrAbility Program Moderates the Effect of Overall Health upon Farmers’ Satisfaction with Quality of Life? Suzanna Windon, M.S. Graduate Teaching Associate, PhD Student, Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, The Ohio State University.