I-CASH awarded ten youth grants in 2018
Central City FFA
The purpose of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Safety Day is to allow students to explore CTE classes and safety. This activity focuses on the 7th and 8th grade students in order to encourage them to be interested in agriculture and industrial technology classes and careers. A major part of any career is safety and when looking at the ever-present dangers in an agricultural or technical careers, safety is essential. We hope to give the middle school students a true example of the safety and work required to pursue an education in the career and technical area. ‘
Des Moines County 4-H Teen Council
Youth in grades K-5, from both rural and urban backgrounds, will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities that will enhance their appreciation for the need of safety education. All youth will also be exposed to the science that makes agricultural technology work to help them understand the purpose underlying the safety rules and recommendations such as electricity and mechanics. Youth will also have the opportunity to put together their own first aid kit and learn how to use the included items.
Howard County
Farm safety is a priority in Howard County due to our rural composition. We want to make children aware of the issues and hazards whether they live on a farm or have their friends visit a farm or visit one or any other agricultural related settings, such as county fairs, parks, or other locations where animals, machinery/equipment, and potential hazards are present. Safety issues addressed during this day also promote general/personal safety such as fire safety, safety seats and restraints, electrical safety and medical responders.
Ida County Farm Bureau
This safety day will make students aware of their surroundings on the farm and during planting and harvest seasons. All our stations are a great opportunity for the students to see the importance of being aware. We like to get the students that aren’t in the farming life an experience that will impact them, and make them aware of what the rural life can be. Finally we want to promote Ag and Safety and we feel hat it puts things in prospective foe the students and he people involved.
Jones County 4-H Teen Council
Our goal is to spread knowledge about farm safety to people of all ages and backgrounds about machinery and livestock. We will be creating a scavenger hunt for anyone to complete as they find different facts that will be written on the signs that will be posted around the fairgrounds. We are aiming to inform families that are familiar with being around a farm as well as informing people that have never been on a farm.
Mitchell County Extension
Mitchell County Extension hopes to help students understand the impact accidents can have and how quickly they can happen. Many of the students in Mitchell County have family or friends who are still directly involved in production agriculture. Many students enjoy being on the farm and riding in the equipment. However, most do not realize the hazards that surround them when on the farm. We need to educate children to help them understand the hazards that are associated with farm machinery, animals/ pets, A TV’s, and even lawn equipment. It is our goal to help students understand what kinds of accidents can happen, and why they happen, which will help them prevent future accidents.
North Mahaska FFA
At our county fair, in which three counties actually participate in, we have an FFA building in which students showcase their projects from the school year. We always have farmers stop in our building to see what is going on in the “FFA” world. We would like to distribute sunscreen, safety glasses, ear plugs, cotton gloves and give a short safety program to those that come into the building that day. Not only will it help with communication problems some of my FFA members may be facing, but it will also show the farmers how much we care about them and want them to stay protected.
Shelby Co 4-H
County 4-H Council members will present a workshop/breakout session at our annual Farm Safety Day. Farm Safety Day’s target audience is youth ages 8-12. The topic for the presentation is prevention and treatment of animal and insect bites. Presenters will share with youth research based information as well as personal stories of animal bites and insect stings. Youth in attendance will each receive basic 1st aid training relating to bites and stings as well as a first aid kit. The presentation will also be taped and linked to our Shelby County 4-H website and Facebook page.
Washington County 4-H
The title of this project is called “Stay Safe, Take a Break” and it targets farmers/farm families in the fall during the busy and long hours of the harvest season. The 4-H County Council youth select, purchase, collect and deliver bags full of goodies that can help promote safety to farmers. Combined, all of the items encourage general farm safety, however, the special one on one delivery of these bags to farmers in the fields while they are working is what makes the project unique. It gives the farmers five minutes to stop, stretch, have a snack, talk to young people and then take the bags for long term safety as well. The bags often sit in their combine as a reminder to be safe.
Wright County Farm Bureau
The overall goal of this project is to educate our youth about common safety measures that each student can take back home to prevent a potentially harmful situation, and to teach them what to do if they find themselves in danger. This will be our 11th Safety Day Camp. We will give each third grader a first aid kit to reinforce the lessons taught by the Wright County Public Health personnel. The boys and girls are taught how to do first aid appropriate for their age with hands-on demonstrations, and the kits make the learning more meaningful for them.