I-CASH awarded ten youth grants in 2019
Washington County 4-H and Extension
Washington County 4-H members conduct a project titled “Stay Safe, Take a Break” where students interrupt farmers during the long hours of harvest and give them different items intended to promote their health and safety.
Southeast Warren FFA
Southeast Warren FFA members will host a 6th grade agricultural day where they cover safety topics such as tractor, auger, four-wheeler, and animal safety. Safety glasses, halters, and ear plugs will be distributed to students who plan on showing animals at the county fair.
Mitchell County Extension and Outreach
Mitchell County Extension will put on an educational day camp for 4th grade students in order to empower youth to take safety into their own hands. Students should be able to understand impacts of incidents covering animal, ATV, and household chemical safety.
Mahaska County 4-H and Extension
Mahaska County 4-H will be conducting an “on the farm” day camp and farm safety stations at the county fair. Interactive presentations will be utilized to help participants learn about agricultural safety and health.
Linn County 4-H and Extension
Linn County 4-H staff will conduct a program titled “Thank a Farmer – Fill Their Bucket”. Five-gallon buckets are filled with health and safety items such as respirators and ear plugs, then delivered to farmers.
Ida County Farm Bureau
Ida County Farm Bureau provides a hands-on opportunity for students to learn about and get hands on experience regarding agricultural safety and health. Nine stations include information on animals, electrical, chemical, and grain bin safety as well as first aid.
Delaware County Fair Society
Delaware County Fair Society, with the help of FFA students and Temple Grandin, will prepare an educational program for youth in the county. FFA members will learn animal handling and presentation skills while youth exhibitors will be taught how to handle animals safely.
Cherokee County 4-H Youth Council
Cherokee County 4-H Youth Council members will develop and put on an educational scavenger hunt. Participants will have to find handling tips and showing techniques for each species at the county fair.
Cherokee County Farm Bureau
Cherokee County Farm Bureau will host a farm safety day to provide hands-on opportunities to learn about safety. The intention is to help students develop the necessary skills needed to stay safe on the farm.
Bedford FFA
Bedford FFA is producing an educational program to increase the understanding of agricultural safety. Participants will get hands-on experience with livestock, farm equipment, small farm animals, and other tools while special attention will be paid to the use of hearing protection.