I-CASH awarded 9 youth grants in 2022
Cedar County Extension
Ag Safety Day that would consist of a four-station rotation. Each station would be interactive and provide hands-on activities and education for students to become more aware of farm hazards and safety issues as well as general safety concerns and emergency situations. The four stations will tentatively cover 1: Emergency Situations, 2: Equipment, ATV’s, Lawn Mowers and Road Safety, 3: Chemical Safety, 4: Animal Safety. Two FFA chapters and the Cedar County Youth Council will assist with the program.
Cherokee County Extension
Ag Safety Day that will address the following safety topics: Electrical, Fire, Grain, Water, Animal, Weather, ATV, Railroad and Home Alone Safety plus First Aid. High School youth will help with the planning, implementation and delivery of this program.
Floyd County Extension and Charles City FFA Chapter
Farm Safety during the harvest season. Youth will provide safety resources and appreciation to local area farmers in the form of a resource filled 5-gallon bucket. Youth will plan the program, request resources and materials from local businesses and along with adult volunteers make the deliveries to farmers during harvest season.
Ida County Farm Bureau
Ag Safety Day that will address safety around machinery, electricity, grain bins, animals, ATVs, poison, weeds and chemicals. There will be hands on activities involving combines and anhydrous ammonia along with Ag-in-the-classroom sessions. FFA students will plan and help with some of the activities.
Louisa County Extension
Ag Safety Day that includes the following safety topics: Power Take Off, Basic First Aid, Blind Spots, Grain Bin, Animal, Helmet, Water, Sun, ATV/UTV, Dangerous plants and Firearms. Additional topics covered are Fire safety and fire extinguisher training and extreme weather preparedness. High school peer mentors will assist with the training. A video will be created by the Louisa 4-H County Council members and Louisa County Extension over the course of the day. The video will be distributed via social media, Extension websites, partners leading the training and the participating schools.
O’Brien County Extension
In-person grain safety unit demonstration, for self-paced and hands-on exploration at the O’Brien County Fair. Youth and adults will be able to read about grain safety through large posters and displays. Printed flyers and magnet materials will be handed out. Tours used during the fair and farm safety days. This unit is used at the O’Brien County Fair and also during our 2nd grade farm safety day. Youth led sessions are used for 2nd grade and also at the fair with a youth farm tour.
Washington County 4-H & Extension
The title of this project is called “Stay Safe, Take a Break” and it targets farmers/farm families in the fall during the busy and long hours of the harvest season. The 4-H County Council youth select, purchase, collect and deliver bags full of goodies that can help promote safety to farmers. Combined, all of the items encourage general farm safety, however, the special one on one delivery of these bags to farmers in the fields while they are working is what makes the project unique. It gives the farmers five minutes to stop, stretch, have a snack, talk to young people and then take the bags for long term safety as well. The bags often sit in their combine as a reminder to be safe. In previous years it has been a great time for our 4-Hers to get to know their neighbors and people they pass on the roads many times but don’t actually ever really talk to. The Washington County 4-H County Council group (23 youth) are the immediate hands-on youth to this project.
Wright County Extension
Youth will create a kids version of the farmer Stay Safe Take a Break bags. The youth bags will include snack items, farm safety information, kid earplugs and other safety items plus hands-on activities to engage children in how to stay safe on the farm. The County Council will choose the items, put the bags together, assist with advertisement and delivery.
Wright County Farm Bureau
The Safety Day Camp will be an all day, hands-on interactive Safety Day Camp for all Wright County third graders held at the County Fairgrounds. Safety/health topics to be addressed include Farm, chemical, water, weather, and fire safety, basic first aid, learning about EMS, making 9-1-1 calls, safety around animals. Another important component of the camp is the session on lawn mower/trimmer safety. The presenter will teach the children about protective clothing and ear and eye protection, along with showing why it is important to away from the machine to avoid being hit by objects thrown by the mower. FFA students will assist with the camp.