I-CASH awarded funds to eight general farm safety projects. The recipients for 2012 were:
Clay County Countrymen 4-H Club (serving Clay County and NW Iowa)
Local 4-H Club will partner with FFA to support local youth as they present general farm safety information and distribute Farm First Aid kits at local elevators. Activities will also include a 4-H display booth and handouts at the Clay County Fair. See the Spencer Daily Reporter story
Delaware County Chapter Farm Safety 4 Just Kids (serving Delaware County)
Fifty FFA students will present at Farm Safety days across the county. Various aspects of farm safety will be covered, including ag chemicals, hidden hazards, animal safety, tractor safety and more.
Lucas County Agricultural Extension District (serving Lucas County)
The Lucas County Extension will host a Farm Safety Day to teach others about general farm safety topics. These topics will include ATV use, livestock handling, farm first aid and more. Youth recorded PSA’s, made first aid kits, made posters and conducted safety demonstrations.
Monona County Extension (serving Monona County)
The Monona County Extension office will hold a Farm Safety day and will provide safety glasses for all participants to use at home for various hazardous tasks. They will also provide valuable information on those and other farm related tasks, and the importance of keeping their eyes protected. See The Mapleton Press story
North Linn FFA (serving Linn County)
Fifty FFA students from the North Linn FFA will conduct a Farm Safety training for students at their school. Topics covered include the importance of lighting and marking (with SMV signs handed out), ATV safety (with ATV PPE handed out), safety during mowing (with hearing protection and safety glasses handed out). The FFA chapter will make posters, educational scripts, PSA’s and other media information.
South Hardin FFA (serving Eldora-New Providence and Hubbard-Radcliffe CSDs)
Members of the South Hardin FFA will create a PSA and editorial to promote their Farm Safety day. During the day, students will present topics on farm equipment safety, livestock safety, ATV use, crop production and natural resource protection.
Town and Country Farm Safety 4 Just Kids (serving Butler, Franklin, Grundy and Hardin counties)
The Town & Country FS4JK chapter will create PSA’s and posters to encourage farmers to be safe during planting and harvest. They will place flyers in the local elevators and teach youth and farmers about roadway safety, ATV sizing and operation, and general roadway safety
Wapello County 4-H (serving Wapello County)
The Wapello County 4-H Youth Council will promote Farm Safety to youth at the Wapello County Expo. Youth will rotate through various farm safety information stations, learning topics such as; grain safety, livestock safety, ATV safety, First Aid, PTO safety, fire safety, safety around water, and more. Adults will be educated through news releases, displays and PSAs.