I-CASH has awarded funds to nine farm safety projects. The recipients for 2014 are:
Clay Central/Everly Middle School FFA
Middle school students will present an interactive workshop on hearing protection at May Farm Safety Day and Feed the Farmer in September.
Clay County Countrymen 4-H
Working with the fire department, the 4-H members will demonstrate extinguisher use and encourage farmers to bring them in for inspection.
Delaware County Extension
Safety Day events, 3 FFA chapters, (fire, 911, seat belts, tractors, buses, pinch points, lawn mowers, falling objects).
Logan Larks 4-H Club
School presentation for K-3 about smoke detectors. Distribute smoke detectors in community.
Louisa County 4-H Youth Council
Farm Safety Day for 5th graders, sending home safety glasses, ear plugs, and first aid kits.
Mahaska Co 4-H
4-H Teen Council will address healthy hand washing at the county fair.
Shooting Stars 4-H Club
Education program about animal and tractor safety during county fair, give out handouts and hand gel.
Washington Busy Beavers 4-H Club
“Farm Day” participants, sponsored by 4-H clubs, learn about animals, tractors, and ATVs through demonstrations.
Washington County 4-H & Extension
Stay Safe, Take a Break project targets farmers during harvest delivering goodie bags to promote safety.