I-CASH partners with ISU Extension to provide training for health providers on the culture, occupation, and well-being of farm and ranch producers. Providers will be able to provide culturally informed therapeutic relationships to improve patient outcomes.
Complete Program Learning Objectives
Introduction and relevance: Define the roles and responsibilities of providers and clients when engaging in culturally sensitive therapeutic relationships. Identify agriculture-related suicide risk factors and apply cultural humility related to agriculture in your practice.
Stress and the Midwest producer: Identify agriculture-specific stressors; identify how unpredictable work interferences, family relationships, and farm finances impact agricultural producers.
The daily work of farming: Describe farm identities; identify the range of roles and activities providers are involved in and the daily constraints that may lead to stress.
Farming with a disability: Understand worksite challenges for producers with a disability. Identify how farm culture is both a protective and risk factor for producers with a disability. Connect farmers to programs and resources that aid producers and farm families to continue farming.
Crop and livestock producers: Distinguish the different types of work of crop and livestock producers, including Iowa’s ranking, unique factors, and challenges impacting the work. Providers will be able to discuss common stressors related to the specific farming operation with producers.
Review, resources, and next steps: Understand how accessibility, availability, and acceptability increase producer health outcomes related to seeking mental health assistance. Practice culturally sensitive conversations regarding farming nad apply connecting farmers with agriculture-specific resources.
Contact Info:
Demi Johnson
Primary Instructor:
David Brown
(515) 294-0860
I-CASH Instructor:
Rich Gassman