Julia Venzke, MA

Julia Venzke, MA

Office:124A IREH, UI Research Park

While attending The University of Iowa's Master's Program in Library and Information Science, Julia joined I-CASH in 1996 as the Center's graduate research assistant. After graduation, she became the Information Specialist and Webmaster for the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Julia maintains the I-CASH website, helps with the design of Center brochures and other promotional items, and provides literature reviews and finds other resources to assist with ongoing I-CASH research.

A 4th generation eastern-Iowan, Julia was raised in the rural Iowa City area. She received a BA in Communication Studies and a 2nd BA in Journalism from the UI in 1987, then worked in the printing industry until she returned to graduate school in 1995. Julia is active in two Toastmasters International clubs and serves as a board member/volunteer and adoption coordinator/webmaster for the PAWS & More animal shelter in Washington, IA. She resides with her partner Jamie Ward and five cats in Cedar Rapids.