AgriSafe Network’s Total Farmer Health Nurse Coach Initiative
Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S, Clinical Director, AgriSafe Network; Linda Emanuel, RN, Community Health Nurse, AgriSafe Network
Charlotte Halverson is a certified occupational health nurse with a background in management and delivery of business and community health services. In her role with AgriSafe, she develops educational resources and trainings for rural health care providers, community based and membership organizations.
Linda Emanuel engages with the agriculture community as a health care advocate and educator. Her passion as an agriculture producer and co-proprietor of her three-generation Nebraska family farm enables her to act as a liaison between research and practice and drives her work to address the ever changing needs of this population.
Learning objective:
Participants will be able to describe how the AgriSafe’s Total Farmer Health Nurse Coach role meets the needs of agricultural producers, families, and communities.
Discuss this presentation with the authors on Friday, November 20 from noon – 12:30 on the Zoom Live-stream
The state of mental health among American agricultural producers is in crisis. Agriculture is considered one of the top occupations with the highest death rates by suicide. Seeking an effective and innovative response to agriculture’s mental health crisis, AgriSafe Network launched the Total Farmer Health Nurse Coach pilot initiative. Building on the success of AgriSafe’s Nurse Scholar program merged with a Nurse Coach model, AgriSafe Nurse Scholar graduates have been tapped in key midwest states to address farmer and rancher mental health. Nurse Coaching is a growing specialty for registered nurse professionals and integrates well with AgriSafe’s Total Farmer Health model. AgriSafe Total Farmer Health Nurse Coaches support the state’s agricultural communities using their healthcare knowledge and experience rooted in a holistic mental health approach to curate state resources, identify community strengths, train individuals, and build resiliency. This poster presentation will outline the development, goals, and current outcomes of this pilot project. Anecdotal descriptions of their activities highlight the creative approaches the Total Farmer Health Nurse Coaches are using to meet their agricultural producers’ unique needs.
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